Products & Services

Pollen SensePollen Sense™ is the first fully automated device that collects, images, recognizes, and reports pollen and other particulates in real-time.


Weedobot is an autonomous, solar-powered, weed-seeking robot about the size of a coconut. Place a 

Open Source:

Recent consulting work includes:

Recent user interface related work:

Weedobot in an area that you would otherwise be using a hoe to combat weeds. It knows to stay in the soil or mulch (and off the lawn or sidewalk) and will locate sprouts with its machine vision. Using this same vision, it will navigate the terrain and avoid obstacles.


NewSQL database management system based on a columnar scale-out topology. By embracing modern hardware design, Fastore provides ultra-high transaction and query throughput. Features include:


Online database system for the masses.  More details coming...

C4 language

Multi-paradigm systems language combining category theory, the relational model, and a grammar sub-language